This is the best game in the history of the AppStore. I usually only write reviews for a game until I complete it all the way through and I am certainly nowhere near the end of this massive gaming masterpiece. I have been playing for 20+ hours and only scratched the gooey surface. I will most assuredly write a full review once I beat the game (storyline at least), but I just couldnt wait to let the world know how much I love this game‼️‼️ not only is this the greatest game in the entire history of any AppStore, Crashlands is the most mind blowingly phenomenal mobile gaming experience Ive ever had since the mid 90s with the release of the original Pokemon red and blue!!! Im panting on an iPod 5 and Despite having a mildly frustrating crash problem (giggity), there is no better game on the planet‼️‼️‼️‼️
UncleSlam Temple about Crashlands, v1.1.5